Outdoor Kitchens

Beauty & Functionality
Epik Masonry has been creating some of the most utilitarian and attractive outdoor kitchens in Ventura. We have a number of satisfied customers in the neighboring areas like Montecito, Thousand Oaks and Camarillo. Though most homeowners now don’t really have to be persuaded to have an outdoor kitchen installed, here are some very good reasons:
- Entertainment - The primary benefit of having an outdoor kitchen is that it’s a great way of adding an entertainment zone to your home. You can take all that weekend fun outdoors and enjoy your leisure time cooking up some delicious foods and firing up the BBQ. This area can be made comfortable with the addition of patio furniture and heaters. It will lure you and your family into the outdoors spaces of your home.
- Value - Outdoor kitchens have a very high value quotient and are the perfect method of gaining return on investment in comparison to various outdoor home-remodeling projects. We ensure that all the materials are of the best quality and that the appliances, cabinets and fittings are high-grade and suitable for outdoor areas. This ensures that your kitchen will last for years to come.
- Ease of cooking - When you cook outdoors, it prevents your home from getting smoky and your kitchen also stays cool. When you have many guests and a large amount of grilling etc is taking place, its best to take the cooking outdoors. Having a well-equipped kitchen also eliminates the trouble to rushing in and out of the house for food.
- Cost Saving - Cooking generates a lot of heat and that also means that it stresses the AC system in your home and increases your power bills. Outdoor kitchens are a great way of keeping all that heat and smoke outdoors and saving some money in the bargain.
- Extending Living Spaces - The minute you build a grill area or add a BBQ to your yard, it will extend the amount of actual living space you have in your home and you and your family can have endless hours of fun there. If you are planning on constructing an outdoor kitchen under an existing patio or if we construct a roof over a newly-built kitchen, you can use this space even if the weather is not too favorable.